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The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand (ThSAPs)

The role of The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand

The general public should be aware that working in the field of cosmetic surgery It's not just a doctor's desire or interest. But there must be several important elements. The doctors should have more training to gain more knowledge and skill to become a good aesthetic or cosmetic surgeons that can deliver the best and safe outcomes to the needed people.

The society of Aesthetic plastic surgeons of Thailand is the society of plastic surgeons who have experiences in cosmetic surgery. Our main goals are to monitor and deliver the up to date knowledge to our member for creation beautiful and safe outcomes for the people.

The objectives of The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand

1. It is a gathering place of knowledgeable and well-behaved aesthetic plastic surgeons.

2. Promote the advancement of aesthetic plastic surgeons in education, research and exchange of knowledge.

3. Disseminate science to help and advise people, Member of the Department of Medicine and organizations in the case of cosmetic surgery.

4. To control members in cosmetic surgery profession to be correct, high quality, with the same standards. and safe for the public.

5. Encourage, collaborate, assist and strengthen relationships between members.

6. It is an organization that will strengthen relationships and exchange knowledge with the organization. International cosmetic surgeons. This is not related to politics.